Help us detect
cancers earlier.
Help us detect cancers earlier & provide peace of mind. Your support is life-saving.
Help CGMH purchase two new mammography units.
Together, we can impact the fight against cancer!
I give because:
I am thankful to have the Collingwood Hospital close by when needed.
Ruth D.
We all deserve hope and kindness in all these trying times.
Bob & Sue J.
CGMH is a great hospital providing really good care always.
Geoff & Winnie H.
We are so grateful to have a hospital we can go to if needed and all the wonderful staff.
Pat & Ralph O.
The G&M Hospital has been so good to my sister when she was dying. I appreciate the care & compassion of staff
The hospital has always been there for us.
I am thankful for CGMH
We want to support our local hospital and help keep it viable.
I always get treated right.
Joe C.

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