90% of funding is donated by our community.

90% of all medical equipment & technology is funded through community support of our Foundation.

Despite what you might believe, the Government does not fully fund healthcare in Ontario. At the Collingwood General & Marine Hospital, over 90% of all medical equipment & technology is funded through community support of our Foundation. Our caring and generous community ensures that our healthcare teams can continue to deliver fast, accurate diagnosis and exceptional care.

Follow the good news

  • CGMH Foundation President & CEO to retire after 37 years of service.

    CGMH Foundation President & CEO to retire after 37 years of service.

    A special message from the CGMH Foundation Board Chair:To our community of support, It is with a mix of heartfelt gratitude and bittersweet sentiment that we announce, effective June 30th, 2025, the retirement of our President and CEO, Jory Pritchard-Kerr, who has dedicated over 37 incredible years to building the Hospital Foundation. Jory was the…

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  • Over $2.1M Raised for Two New Mammography Units for CGMH

    Over $2.1M Raised for Two New Mammography Units for CGMH

    Jan 9th, COLLINGWOOD ON: The communities of South Georgian Bay have once again demonstrated their unwavering support for the Collingwood General and Marine Hospital (CGMH), raising over $2.1 Million for two new mammography units, ensuring women in our community have access to the very best in breast cancer screening and care.  “We are so grateful…

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