Transfer of Securities
Support leading-edge research and patient care while saving on taxes
Donating publicly traded stock to the Collingwood General & Marine Hospital Foundation is a smart way to make a charitable donation and eliminate any tax on the capital gain. This means you can support leading-edge research and patient care while saving on taxes.

Benefits of a Gift of Securities:
- Elimination of the capital gain plus the donation tax credit
- Preferred tax treatment, allows you to make a larger gift than you may with cash
- Gift can be made today or in the future through your estate
- Satisfaction of knowing your gift will make a significant impact on healthcare needs in your community
A Sample Scenario
Be sure to speak with your financial advisor to see how this
applies to your portfolio.
Sell securities and donate the after-tax proceeds. | Donate Securities to CGMHF | |
Original Cost of Securities | $1,000 | |
Current Market Value | $5,000 | $5,000 |
Capital Gain | $4,000 | $4,000 |
Tax on Capital Gain | $920 | $0 |
Donation Amount After Tax | $4,080 | $5,000 |
Charitable Tax Credit | $1,877 | $2,300 |

Learn more about the applicable rules regarding tax donations to charitable organizations.

We’re here to help.
For more information about donating securities now or in your estate contact Jory Pritchard-Kerr at 705-444-8645 or [email protected]

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