24H BLUE MTN took to the slopes February 25-26, 2023 in support of the Collingwood General & Marine Hospital (CGMH) and Special Olympics Ontario. Over $150k was raised, which will be split between the two charities.
Over 30 teams competed to see who could complete the most runs in a 24 hour period. The winning team was the “Bad Knees Boys Club” who completed an outstanding 273 runs. Another team that participated was the Orthopaedic Sport Institute, which included Dr. Olivia Cheng, chief of surgery at the Collingwood G&M Hospital, and Dickon Worsley, RPN for the surgical department. Their team placed 10th overall.
“As an orthopaedic surgeon at the Collingwood General and Marine Hospital, we are proud to be part of this amazing event,” says Dr. Cheng, “the teams were enthusiastic, showing their skills and endurance over 24 hours. A special thank you to all of the donors. Your generosity towards the Special Olympics and Collingwood General and Marine Hospital is greatly appreciated.”
2023 marked the 5th year for this event, which grows and improves every year. At the end of the event, it was announced that 24H BLUE MTN will return again next year on February 24-25, 2024.

“We are very pleased with our recent 5th annual 24h BLUE MTN event. From the buzz in the village and the chatter around the hill, it was our best year yet and we are already planning for a bigger and better event next year,” says event organizer, Michael Ney, “the future is bright, and it is truly onward and upward for 24h BLUE MTN.”
As stated by Michael Dick, Foundation Board Chair, during his speech at the opening ceremonies; the funds donated to the Collingwood Hospital Foundation from this event will be put towards the purchase of Collingwood’s first MRI machine. The MRI is an integral piece of diagnostic equipment that will help our healthcare professionals provide the best possible care, close to home.
Read more about the 5th annual 24H BLUE MTN in this article posted by Collingwood Today.