On September 7th, the Giving Circle hosted its annual meeting at the Summitview Pavilion at the top of Blue Mountain. The Giving Circle, an inclusive group of like-minded women in support of the Collingwood G&M Hospital Foundation, focuses on funding projects that measurably impact the quality of care provided to patients at CGMH while providing a unique opportunity for donors to be part of a decision-making process that will direct how their gifts are used.
This year’s members met over food and drinks to listen to 3 pitches for funding. They heard from Dr. Alyssa Boyd, Medical Director for Hospice Georgian Triangle, who presented a Narrative Medicine Training program for physicians and nurses with a goal of combating burnout while bringing empathy and compassion back into practice. Next they heard from Dr. Susan O’Toole, from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, who spoke to the importance of a colposcopy, a procedure done to find cancerous or abnormal cells in the cervix and her need for a camera adapter to give patients’ the option to view their exam and to offer teachable moments to Medical Residents. CGMH Chief of Staff Dr. Lisi and Marianne Beardsall Director, Patient Experience finished off the pitches with a wire-free, radiation-free magnetic wand that searches out magnetic beads (markers) that are placed to locate lymph nodes during breast cancer surgery.

We are pleased to announce that all 3 of these pitches will receive funding and look forward to the impact they will have on both patients and staff at CGMH.
The Giving Circle is an inclusive opportunity to join a group of like-minded women in support of healthcare in South Georgian Bay. To learn more about joining this growing group of compassionate and informed women, head to cgmhf.com/giving-circle