The CGMHF Wellness Innovation fund has $10K available to fund innovative projects that focus on health and wellness in South Georgian Bay.
The Wellness Innovation Fund has been established to provide seed monies, on an annual basis, to initiate or support projects and/or programs that will significantly contribute to enhancing the wellness of Collingwood General & Marine Hospital (CGMH) patients and/or citizens of the South Georgian Bay community.

“Thanks to Wellness Innovation Lead Donors, Barb & Larry Hall, we can find opportunities to promote a healthier, stronger community that can also alleviate our overburdened hospital,” says Foundation President & CEO Jory Pritchard-Kerr, “an investment in the wellbeing of our community is an investment in our healthcare system.”
By bringing together the Collingwood Hospital Foundation and Hospital, healthcare service providers, and community wellness stakeholders, this fund finds new opportunities and innovative ways to keep the future of South Georgian Bay healthy and thriving. Previous fund recipients vary greatly in the support and services that they offer, but they all share common models and methods of creativity, collaboration, and innovation.
“We have witnessed the growth of the Hospital Foundation & its impact on helping to foster excellence in Hospital care,” says Barb & Larry Hall, Wellness Innovation Lead Donors, “And if we look beyond the hospital, we can find a growing number of health innovation initiatives right here in our own community. Together, we can inspire, challenge and foster those innovative projects and help our community thrive.”
The CGMH Foundation is committed to working to keep the future of South Georgian Bay healthy and we understand the importance of investing in new and different health and wellness initiatives throughout our community.
Interested applicants can learn more about the fund at: