Judi’s Story

Judi Dosne & CGMH Internists

As a local real estate agent and long-term resident of Wasaga Beach, Judi Dosne already knows the power of community and the importance of a good neighbour. So when she recently needed care at CGMH, she was relieved and grateful to find such a supportive network that cared for her compassionately, every step of the way. 

Judi is a cancer survivor and ever since her cancer went into remission, Judi has had a healthy life. This all changed a few months ago, when Judi started feeling very unwell and ended up at CGMH’s Emergency Department.  

When Judi arrived at CGMH, she felt confident in the care she was about to receive. “I was so impressed by the triage system in emerg. Everything was organized from the very first moment; everyone knew what they were doing,” shares Judi.  

After Judi was admitted to the Emergency Department, she received great care from Dr. Serena Deketele, who immediately realized this was a rare case and made the decision to admit Judi into the hospital and to call one of CGMH’s internists, Dr. Mark Bonta.  

“When Dr. Deketele told me she was going to call Dr. Bonta, I was apprehensive to know that this was going to be a complex case. As soon as Dr. Bonta arrived and started observing my condition, I was relieved and happy to see that instead of being thrown by my mysterious condition, Dr. Bonta was eager to get started on the challenge of figuring out what was going on with me,” recalls Judi. 

It wasn’t too long before Dr. Bonta diagnosed Judi with a rare condition called Vasculitis GPA (Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis), and contacted a specialist right away, to get her on the right treatment path. “I was so amazed by the professionalism of everyone involved in my case. The nurses, doctors, lab technicians, every single person who I came in touch with was so qualified – even the food was delicious,” shares Judi. Among these incredible healthcare professionals was one of CGMH’s Pharmacy Managers, Mishka Danchuk-Lauzon. According to Judi, she was instrumental in getting access to the medication that helped her start her recovery journey. 

A few weeks after Judi was released from the hospital, she had to come back to the Emergency Department; her condition had taken a turn for the worse. The internist on call that day was Dr. Mike Randazzo, who was able to stabilize Judi and expedite her visit to the specialist Dr. Christian Pagnoux, which was still a few weeks away.  

“I was so impressed by the way Dr. Randazzo and the whole team cared for me. Also, while in the hospital I had to share a room with other patients and ended up meeting two wonderful people who I still keep in touch with. I am not just grateful for the care I received from the healthcare team at CGMH. I am also grateful for the friends I made along the way,” says Judi. 

These positive experiences prompted Judi to make a donation to the CGMH Foundation in honour of all the healthcare workers who cared for her. Not only did Judi want to give back, but she also saw the need for hospital equipment. “It was an eye opener,” Judi reflects. “When I had to be transported to Barrie for an MRI scan, and I learned that hospital equipment is mostly funded by community donations, I knew I had to get involved.” Thank you for putting your gratitude into action, Judi

You can read more stories of gratitude or share your own here.

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